January 2021 - Love gives us a fairy tale - Anat Weksler

 Hello Crafty friends!

It's Anat here with my Spread inspired by fabulou Moodboard by our Lovely Tusia and Theme by my Teamie Inna.

Who doesn't love Fairytales, I believe we all do whether it is a written story or part of our lives, right?

That's what my spread is all about! I found a fantastic phrase which features it beautifully:

"Once in a while right in the Middle of an ordinary life, Love gives us a Fairy Tale"

Unlike my usual style I left the spread rather "light" and that's to express my idea better, hope you get it, I would love to hear what you feel about it and of course to see what you come up with. xoxo

If you feel inspired by this topic, if you'd like to join us with your acts of Daily Art - we are waiting!

You can drop your link with the project here, on the blog - using the In Links tool or tag us on Facebook and Instagram - we'd love to see your art!

Check our on Instagram and Facebook for. more of inspirational ideas... give yourself permission to play and join us!

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  1. OMG this is so amazingly perfect..I am in the middle of doing an art journal page for this challenge and wow yours blew me away. Thank you so much for sharing and inspiring me.!!!


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