January 2021 - Find yourself - find your story - by Aleksandra Mihelic
Do you love books? I have to admit, I rarely find time for reading lately. I feel like we somehow fall into everyday life and everyday obligations when we are older and we don't read as much as we did when we were younger. I remember my childhood times... I was a huge bookworm. I loved to read. I completely dive into a world from the book and I loved imagining I'm one of the characters in the books I was reading. Probably this shaped me a lot as a person.
Knowing how much books do have an effect on us and on our lives, our reactions and doings, I'm lately especially trying to be careful what I read and feed my mind with and also what my kids are reading. But putting this aside, time spent with a book resting cozy under a warm blanket and with a cup of tea is one of my favourite moments in my day. Especially in these times, when there are so many things going on in the world, it is so lovely to move to another place and time, to escape the reality a bit, especially when I feel that the troubles of everyday life are winning me over. It helps me to bring some peace into my mind and my heart.
So with this in my mind I tried to create a magical mixed media panel "Find yourself - find your story". I hope you will like it and maybe be inspired by it.
Take care, stay safe and see you next time.
Hugs and love,
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