October 2020 - Blooming Autumn - by Anat Weksler

Hello crafty friends!

Anat here sharing my new Art Journal inspired by the amazing Blooming Autumn Mood Board.

I grew up in a Rural environment so since my childhood I'm very much connected to nature in all its forms and shades. Nature absolutely fascinates me, it is Brilliant not only by its Beauty but especially for the miracles that happen every single second, some which our eyes can't even capture.

My Art Journal features this time when part of nature dies, while some plants get dry, others Bloom, and amazing Creatures show their grace and elegance.

In my spread I've used Palm tree dried bark, dried leaves and stems of plants I have at home, together with paper images.

Hope you like it and feel inspired to join us! I'm looking forward to seeing what you guys come with.

Thanks for stopping by! xoxo

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