November 2021 - Starry sky - by Lisa Rabellino

Hi creative souls! 

This is Lisa Rabellino with you today with a new art journal spread, inspired by this gorgeous November moodboard with its deep blue colour and shiny details, that make me think about the endless night sky with its magical vastness and infinite light... Do you know something brighter than a starry sky?

To start my page I made a little collage of some vintage laces and paper doilies.

Then I covered everything with white gesso and once dry I used Prussian Blue Liquid Acrylic with a bit of water to get a watercolour effect.

I made some stamping with brown archival ink and I added Art Daily stickers, some pieces of paper and Mechanicals stars embellishments.

I finally made splatters with Dragon's Eye Art Alchemy Paint to give more light and contrast to my page.

I hope you enjoyed my art daily inspiration for this month


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