May 2019 - trust your crazy ideas - by Monika Huculak

Simple pleasures are just that: simple! I forget fancy and I think basic, everyday things that brighten my mood when I take time to notice them.  When I think of simple pleasures, I think of all the little things I enjoy that either don’t cost a thing or are very inexpensive. They are the most unassuming moments, but things I truly find immense pleasure in. 

One of my simple pleasures and  probably  my  most  favorite  one   is  my  coffee  in  the  morning.  Drinking my coffee mindfully help me live in the moment and center myself. I love smell the aroma from the cup and its rich flavor.

As always we are waiting for you here, on the blog, on Instagram and Facebook with more of inspirational ideas... give yourself permission to play and join us!

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