April 2019 - Monday Card 46
How often do you read a book or watch a movie and you identify yourself with the main character so much, that you feel pity when the book or movie ends and you no longer can "observe" this character? Or maybe you think you perceive the world in exactly same way, as one of the fictional characters? Tell us - what is your favourite fictional character and why? What makes him so appealing to you?
We are waiting for you art, thoughts, feelings in our FB group and here on the blog. Or please tag us on Instagram, so we could see your project.
My favorite character is from To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus Finch. I remember seeing this movie when I was 13 with my mother. I have loved this movie to this day. Atticus Finch was such a strong character, he taught his children to grow up without prejudice and to love people no matter what color skin they had.