November 2018 - Monday Card 1

Hi again!
We are here again to deliver fresh inspiration to fuel your creativity!
Every Monday there will be a new prompt waiting for you and I hope they will tickle your creativity!

The whole deck of inspirational cards is included into the Art Daily Journal set, so if you'd like to challenge yourself or simply sparkle your creativity you can use them anytime: you can pick them randomly, you can start with no 1 and follow the numbers on the cards... or any other way, you just name it! They are here for you to help you spread your wings and feel the wind in your hair!

Riikka Kovasin was inspired by this card - here is what she created:

"We are quite limited the way we look at things. Usually a small change in the perspective might do great things, spark ideas and open mind and eyes to new things. That was my inspiration, along with the wonderful idea card, for this door and especially what I did with it. I created the little door out of a chipboard tag and then took it outing. By adding and removing the door to different places I got to look at the scenery in another way. I also tried to imagine what the world behind the door would look like. Not like what actually was behind the door, but where it could lead being on top of a cliff, leaning against a tree trunk or among moss. You can do the same thing just with a little frame or a piece of paper, but why miss the chance to do a magical door!"

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Feel free to add your projects to our FB Group, using Inlinz on our blog and tag us on Instagram using #artdailycafe. We will be happy to see your creations!


  1. Where and how can I get the Art Daily Journal set?

    1. Hello Amber. It depends on what country you live in. In Europe - In USA - Have a great day!

  2. So there is an Art Journal Kit I can buy? I'd like to play along. Where can I get it? I don't find it at Amazon, Simon Says, or Michael's.

    1. Hello Kirsten. In Europe - In USA - Have a great day!

  3. I am wanting to do this badly. But here in the US I cannot find the 52 cards. Can you help me?

    1. Hello Kirsten. In USA you should be able to find them in Have a great day!


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