November 2018 - He left the door opened - inspiration by Denisa Gryczova

Hello, it´s my turn today to get your creative juices flowing. As you might know I´ve always been into art journaling with some kind of story or message to be told. My November spread is a spontaneous creation. Not showing any doors in an explicit way. As usually I was focused on an individual and her life struggles. For me it´s an exciting adventure to dive into human mind full of uncertainty, fears, lost hopes and illusions. Always trying to reconstruct the feeling of someone living a long time ago. My today´s motto is: He left the door opened for her but she has never entered.

This time I was playing with the theme of wasted opportunities, things that we never dare to do because of the fear of the unknown. Sometimes it might be rather overwhelming and scary for some of us. Although one might regret it later on. 

So, don´t be afraid and passive, do not stand in the corner waiting for some happiness to come your way. Just be daring and do what you desire for.

