October 2019 - Random Acts of Art - Abandonment

Hi, there my dear creative friends!
Have you ever heard about the art movement called Art Abandonment? 
I'm sure some of you is familiar with this term, but for those of you who aren't here is a short description: you make a decision of leaving one of your artworks in a public place, for someone to find and keep - or pass it on. In my opinion, it is one of the most interesting acts of art - do you agree?
The idea is to let the art spread the wings and fly free, make someone's day or simply challenge yourself to part with a piece which you've lovingly created in your home studio... sounds interesting? 
Can you imagine what can happen, if someone will find your piece of art? What will be the reaction? Will this person keep it or leave it? give it to someone else, maybe? Oh, all those questions...

This month on Art Daily Cafe we are encouraging you to try some new, fresh ideas while practising your art. Going for the new, crazy or maybe just quite surprising plans... not everything has to be predictable and controllable, right?

So, this month I've decided to leave a piece I've created somewhere in the town nearby for someone to find it and enjoy. I've picked the item I'd like to give away and I've already created the tag, where I will put a little note for the finder!
Once I'm back from my trip to Russia I'm going to pack my project nicely, add the tag and leave it - and I promise to take photos of the whole process, so you will be sure I wasn't cheating!
Would you like to join? Simply pick or create something nice, add a note with a quick explanation of what is happening and encouragement for the finder to keep the project! It can be something like this:

"This artwork is for you to keep!
It has been secretly placed here simply for you to discover and enjoy. By this random act of art, I'd like to spread the love and passion for creativity - you can keep it, pass it on or leave it here for someone else. I hope it will put a smile on your face!
If you wish to let me know you found my project, you can contact me via email, Instagram or Facebook! (add your information here)"

If you'd like to follow this idea - through the whole October I will be waiting for you to post the photos of your abandoned art - please use the #abandonedartoctober and I will try to find you!

Important note - you can go 1 step further!
For those of you who got interested in the Art Abandonment, I can strongly recommend visiting a Facebook Group dedicated to this topic - you can find there the rules for this act of art and join the movement and the community. You will find some rules to follow, inspiring ideas, challenges, stories and ready to use labels for your projects! I hope you will try this idea!

Sending best wishes


  1. Oh wow - what a cool idea! I adore the tag too <3

  2. Love this idea...want to do this definitely.I am going to do it for sure


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