July 2019 - Mysterious Envelope - by Finnabair

Hi my friends!
Do you like games or mysterious notes? Do you like sending and receiving letters or cards?
I hope you do, as this month we are here to encourage you to explore the possibilities of Mail Art!
There is something magical in these days in getting a real, hand-written note in our hands... finding a little greeting card waiting on the desk or opening an envelope... oh the thrill!
So many of us would love to get a letter or a card decorated by a friend or loved member of the family - why not bringing it back? Especially now, during the Summer time we travel more or we are able to enjoy a bit of free time, so sending a little note to our dear ones may be a great way to show them we  keep them in our thoughts!
I've made this envelope for a special purpose - this is for a game I like to play with my friends when they are visiting our house.
I prepare a set of envelopes, a small notebook, and a set of little notes with challenges or riddles. I leave a lot of little notes with hints where to find next challenge and let them play, look for them and try to follow the instructions until they will find the final great prize... kids, teenagers and adults, all love this kind of activity and it can be spread over a few days, if needed!

What do you need if you want to play with your friends and family too?
- pick an exciting prize: bar of chocolate, favourite move, little gift or a handmade voucher for a road trip - up to you!
- put the Mysterious Envelope in the place your partner in the game will find it for sure - put the first challenge or hint inside, explaining what the need to do or where to go to find the next one.
- make sure all the next challenges and hints are well hidden. If they struggle for too long you may need some extra hints or little challenges to help them!
- try to make the challenges or hints as fun and versatile as possible - it may be something artsy, such as drawing or photo challenge, it may be a riddle or a page from the colouring book... or a puzzle, crossword... up to you!
- make sure the challenges are not to easy and not too hard - and the mist important - have fun!
Let us know how you are inspired by Mail Art - don't forget to tag us on Instagram and Facebook!
Waiting to see your Daily Art


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