November 2018 - Doors Closing, Doors Opening... - join us!

Hi my dear friends, I'd like to officially welcome you on board of our Art Daily Project!
You don't even suspect how much excitement and preparation is behind this inspirational concept - but I hope you will feel it once we are all going to embark on this journey!

What is Art Daily?
You can name it creative self-care, inspiration and supportive community in one.  What we are building now is a place where you will find encouragement, gentle reminders, food for thought and visual teats which will help you get going. We are not aiming for masterpieces or competing with others, but for everyday practice, conscious choices to find time for even the smallest acts of art. There are no restrictions here - you can create something big like a collage, journal spread, scrapbook page or a painting - or a small sketch, photo, bunch of notes or even just new board on Pinterest - what counts is the time you give yourself to be exposed to art and creativity. Day after day, small steps!
I really believe creativity is like a muscle - you have to use it to keep it strong, so daily practice is priceless in the process of fighting back the rut or the stubborn voice of our inner critic!
You already have a bunch of friends who will support you online -  not only the Team of Art Daily Cafe and many, many more people in the FB Group! Our blog and Instagram account are going to bring you hints, ideas and guidelines - but there are no rules here! You can join anytime and use whatever you have on your table - the act of creating is much more important than the result!

What can you expect?
Every month we are going to offer you online inspiration - including projects by Art Daily Cafe Friends and bunches of smaller, but not less valuable resources - links, photos, images, quotes. But this is not all - every Monday we will post Art Daily prompts, taken from the art journal I've created - all connected to the main topic of the month.
You can use whatever you like, the way you like, but we will be happy to see you sharing your results with us  - here on the blog, by adding a link on the bottom of the inspirational post, in the FB Group or by tagging us on Instagram! I can't wait to see what you will come up with!

Would you like to learn more? You can see the video explaining the idea here - check it out if you didn't see it yet!

Now it will be the time to officially start our first month  - we've got this Art Daily Moodboard waiting for you! Topic of November is: Doors
You don't have to take the subject too literally - doors are strong symbols with many various meanings and may be seen both in connection with both good and bad things.  They may be closing or opening for you. They may be taking you for a journey, or keeping you locked inside - it is up to you which aspects You'd like to explore... and soon you will see how our team got inspired by this topic too!

Stay tuned to join us on this journey - and drop us a link to your project if you'll get into the creative zone!
Sending all the love and the best artistic vibes


  1. Wow sound interesting I am so happy that you have given full Freedom to create without any rules it's really a great , encouraging and motivation idea indeed

  2. Wow.. I am soooo excited..😍😍


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